An Online Course for the
Best Tips & Tools for 'Work From Home' Insurance Agents
Discover how to turn your existing 'Work From Home' (WFH) / virtual business into an explosive money-making machine and tap into a rapidly growing market. Imagine being able to work profitably from anywhere with just your laptop, tablet and phone while increasing your productivity!

"Wow! I am very impressed with this training course; it's giving me incredible value for a very reasonable price! I am learning not only WHAT tools and supplies I need but the videos walk me through HOW to use them with helpful Tips & Tricks from experience. Finally, someone is showing & telling me cheaper, better and faster ways to work from home". Dennis L.
Pre-Launch Course Enrollments close on Sept. 30, 2020.

Tired of feeling discouraged, paying for unnecessary overhead, chasing useless leads, sifting through endless piles of paper, working all hours of the day and night only to have most deals fall through?
Tired of tech problems and challenges that seem to erupt at the most inopportune time, while trying to learn how to improve and broaden your virtual reach to compete or just stay employed?
It’s so frustrating because you know your insurance services are good! If people would just give you a chance, they’d quickly discover what a big impact your expertise, knowledge and experience could have on their lives.
But now life has changed with the "Great Covid 19 Shift".
If your new challenge is to scale a Work From Home / Virtual Insurance Business and do it fast,
then this message is for you.

Statistics show that within the last five years, the transition to running a successful digitally based, work from home/virtual and mobile business has grown by 50% with profits increasing year after year.
And now with the Covid 19 Reality the numbers are greater than ever and you're missing out, but are you ready?
Do you have the technical skills sets and tools you need to adapt and scale? If you're like most people, probably not, especially if you're over 50.
You'd like to be more successful, modernize and scale your WFH business, but don't know if you can do it and where to start because of your current level of tech literacy.
The problem is you don't need more information, you need better guidance as to how to use the tools and information available.
You're not alone.
Like so many ...
You know what it feels like to be trailing behind, feeling like you'll never catch up to the competition- especially now.
You know what it feels like to spend an incredible amount of money, time and energy buying the latest "How To & Get Rich" programs from the latest industry gurus to increase your business and change your life only to find their method seems to work for everyone else except you.
You know what is feels like to purchase and chase worthless leads and bad referrals.
You know what it feels like to make call after call that no one answers, set appointments that only a few show up for, get the door slammed in your face or get kicked out of someone's home or office.
Maybe you've tried to write emails, sales pages, blog articles, Facebook adverts, heck — anything to try and reach your target market.
But there’s one consistent problem: no one bothers reading it.
You know what it feels like to spend money on an office, staff and overhead month after month, paying everyone else first and have only a few dollars left for yourself.
Maybe you've sent out mailers and tried Facebook and Google ads to put on educational events, workshops and seminars and participated in trade show expos and networking groups.
But there’s another consistent problem: attendance of actual quality leads that convert to clients is a minuscule number.
You know what it feels like to dread Monday morning because the cycle is going to start over again like the movie "Groundhog Day".
It doesn't have to stay this way.
- An insurance business that allows you to service the new captive "Covid 19 Reality" audience now and in the future.
- Doing business virtually from anywhere you want to be.
- Saving time and lowering costs while increasing profitability.
- Your entire business carried out on a Smartphone, Tablet, Laptop or Desktop.
- A 90% reduction in business travel, printing, faxing and mailing.
- Closing your office space and eliminating the overhead.
- Clients working with your schedule - not theirs.
- Eliminating the need for paper brochures, presentation folders, stacks of applications and forms.
- How different your life would be?
Now there is a way to make all of this a reality for you, fast and on a budget!

Imagine... Your Office

Your Desk

Your Desk
Step by step reference guide for scaling all your current business into a 100% paperless, digital format with nothing more except then your laptop, phone and tablet that you have in front of you.
Your Life

Your Life
Imagine working from anywhere,
any time- any occasion... profitably.

An Online Course to help Build or Scale a Solid Foundation, Optimize Technology and Access over 100 Ways To Enhance Your Online Presence and Messaging.
Work From Home Insurance Agent is based on and utilizes The Eazy VB online course (referenced through out this web page and owned by the same company) which is designed for insurance agents by an insurance agent! This video based online course gives you a self-paced, step by step plan based on a proven system built specifically for scaling a successful WFH / virtual business. It's simple and easy to put into action- no matter what your technical skills are and on a budget. This unique system will catapult your business into 21st century, completely change the way you live, thrive now and after the Covid 19 pandemic and you can start today.
Special Pre-Launch offer!
Enroll now and get a 80% discount !
Special Pre-Launch offer! 80% discount ! Offer expires soon.
What is and what could be...

Old Office | Before Eazy VB

New Office | After Eazy VB
The Bottom Line...
The bottom line is, you don’t really want this course.
What you really want is THE OUTCOME which will provide MORE
FREEDOM in your life!
You have problems that you want to fix. You want to make a transformation in your life and you recognize that this is not a trend or a fad but the future.
And you want to be part of it. And you want it now.
Ths Eazy VB course helps you scale your WFH business and simplify your life.
Here’s What You’ll Get When You Sign Up

Immediately after signing up you will have instant access to the course. Think of each course module as your blueprint to success.
You will quickly learn how to:
- Scale your business from old school practices to a new WFH / virtual and mobile office / workplace.
- Reclaim time that you would have spent in traffic.
- Increase your appointment setting and closing ratios.
- Impress and easily turn prospects into clients.
- Employ proven techniques to automate repetitive tasks, lower costs and increase productivity and profits.
- Work at your own pace and set your own schedule.
- Spend less time working and more time with your family and friends.
Huge Benefits Include...
Huge Benefit 1
You'll be able to conduct your Work From Home insurance business “virtually” and not just at home but from anywhere you have cell and internet connectivity with a Smartphone, Tablet and Laptop.
Huge Benefit 2
You'll be able to easily eliminate piles of paper forms, charts, applications, presentation notebooks, carrier brochures, cold calls, office and staff overhead.
Huge Benefit 3
You'll be able to easily estimate your annual expenses to run your Work From Home / virtual insurance business and calculate your cost savings from the reduction of your current overhead.
Huge Benefit 4
You'll be able to modernize your brand and business tactics from the knocking on doors, sending out mailers, cold calling like a dinosaur to updating your image, mobility, practice and digital marketing techniques.
Huge Benefit 5
Being able to help protect yourself while continuing to conduct business as usual in the event of a potential epidemic outbreak like the Corona 19 virus.
Huge Benefit 6
You'll receive future course additions/updates at NO additional charge.
Here’s what the media is saying...
"Work From Anywhere: It Boosts Productivity and Happiness." - Forbes
“You can get more work done. You are truly independent. You’ll become a communications expert.” - Monster
"A 2-Year Stanford Study Shows the Astonishing Productivity Boost of Working From Home." -
"Some of the fastest-growing remote career categories include math/economics, insurance and nonprofit/philanthropy." - Forbes
"Working From Home Increases Productivity." - Business News Daily
"More than 26 million Americans, about 16% of the total workforce now work remotely at least part of the time." - U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
A recent Harvard Business Review study found output increased by 4.4 percent after a transition to remote work.
Not only is the work from home / virtual & mobile workplace business model excellent right now, it may also be one of the best, future-proof business models around.
According to Global Industry Analysts, the e-learning industry (like this course) crossed $100 billion (that’s billion, with a B) in 2015… and is predicted to rise to over $300 billion by 2025. Clearly doing business virtually is more than a trend.
In other words: this is a growth market. We are living in the information age. Learning via online courses is spreading and set to grow for a long time to come. You are in the right place to gain a competitive edge over your competition by going virtual... and working from home now!
If you are tired of getting on board with a new fad or opportunity only to find out it’s already on the way out - get into the WFH / virtual business world and ride a wave that’s still going UP.
Here’s what the clients are saying about this course.
Alex W.
Laguna Niguel, CA
It was so Eazy...
I was looking for help to create a Work From Home and mobile virtual business and I'm so glad I found this course. The lessons were so simple to follow and apply. My WFH / virtual business was up and running quicker than I ever imagined.
Janet H.
Dana Point, CA
Stay in front of clients...
For me, it is important to have a system that works with your data base, keeps you organized and allows you to stay in front of your clients. In today's market, videos, virtual marketing and many of the programs and ideas Craig offers in the course are so valuable to navigate you through and structure a professional online appearance for your business!
John C.
Summit, NJ
Very helpful!
I am always searching for ways to automate the many tasks that I do everyday. This course was extremely helpful in identifying different technology I could deploy as well as giving me ways to use it that I had not thought of before. Very helpful.

Old Office | Before Eazy VB

New Office | After Eazy VB
Here's what’s included in the course
There are 3 main modules with video tutorials, multiple lessons, downloadable PDFs and bonus materials.
Module 1: WFH / Virtual Platform Blueprint
3 steps to build a solid foundation for your WFH / virtual business
Module 1 is the cornerstone of the entire Eazy VB system. Here you will learn how to build or re-enforce the foundation of your WFH / virtual business platform in 3 steps. Throughout the course there are numerous 'Tips' to make your learning experience easier and the implementation of the system in your business fast & simple. The 'Tips' also provide shortcuts and time saving 'Work-Arounds'. (It would be very difficult to find any of these through online searches, which is one of the many reasons this course is so valuable to your business).
Step 1: The Tech Stuff
In this series of lessons, we will give you a 'time-tested in the real world' organized list, estimated costs, links to access and download the software and service providers for creating and scaling your virtual workplace.
In this series of lessons we will give an organized list of hardware, estimated costs, links to access product providers to equip your Work From Home / virtual workplace.
In this series of lessons you will learn how to systematically declutter and simplify your workplace. The success of your business will depend on how well you organize your workspace and exactly how to consolidate your entire WFH business on a laptop, tablet and phone.
Step 2: Paperless Business
In this series of lessons we’ll take a deep dive into folder / document preparation and scanning. You will learn the "Digital Filing System" to apply to all of your documents for eazy access, updating, backing-up and delivery.
Step 3: Create a WFH / Virtual Workplace
In this section we discuss the steps to set up and begin scaling your workspace.
In this series of lessons you'll learn how to configure your personal set up for the 3 primary softwares used in the Eazy VB Course System. The step by step instructions makes this process easy to follow and use.
In this series of lessons you'll learn how to create a prospect / client profile and actually start using the system in your business.
This will serve as a template for all future activities / entries in your WFH / virtual office / workplace.
Now you are up and running. Going forward you'll be ready to use everything provided in Module 1 to increase productivity in your WFH / virtual business.
Module 2 - WFH / Virtual Creation Blueprint
3 steps to create meaningful content and how to effectively present yourself in the WFH / virtual business world.
Step 1: Content Creation
tell your story
In this series of lessons you will learn how you make yourself human in a digital world. Define your story, target market, brand, who you are and why. You’ll learn how to stand out in a saturated market and connect with your prospects and clients on an intellectual, emotional but mostly a relatable level.
Step 2: Practice Makes Perfect
focus on your strengths
Every time you interact with a client (through any means) is a performance.
In this series of lessons you will learn how to develop, practice or rehearse your message, your story and tell it in a way that captures the attention of your prospect. This learned discipline is accomplished by identifying and focusing on your strengths, not your weaknesses. You'll learn how to enhance and use your personality, knowledge, wit and charm in a way that engages your prospects and clients in conversations that lead to more sales. Nothing replaces preparation when communicating an effective and persuasive message to your audience.
Step 3: Share Your Message
where to Share and how
In this series of lessons you will learn how, why, when and where to share your well-crafted and polished message through multiple formats and means of communication. It is vitally important to blanket your communication on several different platforms and automate delivery and follow ups.
Going forward you'll be ready to share a concise, well crafted and targeted message. This will serve as your marketing template to grow your client base and foster better relationships.
Module 3: WFH / Virtual Marketing Blueprint
3 steps to dominate your market
Step 1: Precision Marketing
identify, target and deliver your message
In this series of lessons you will learn how to identify, target and deliver your message to a specific demographic. One size fits all does not work and is a complete waste of time and money. Knowing everything you can about your target audience before you communicate anything is one of the secrets to success in any industry. We'll show you how.
Step 2: 100 Ways to Connect
We are leaving nothing to chance. In this series of lessons you will gain access to 100 ways (tested & proven) to communication your message(s) in a timely and efficient manner. And how to use additional communication software / hardware, audio and video tools to increase your success when reaching out to current and new prospects. The secret is utilizing technology in a way to do most of the work for you. We'll show you how set it up.
Step 3: Scale Your WFH / Virtual Business
Advanced WFH / Virtual Marketing
In this series of lessons you will learn how to use the 'Advanced Tech & Tools' to broaden your digital fingerprint and increase your market share. We'll show you how to roll it out and keep it coming.
By this time in the course, your tech literacy will have gone from a novice to a pro level.
Prepare for explosive results!
Course Review: Time is on your side
Going forward you will discover and enjoy so many new opportunities you never thought possible. Your career and insurance business will now be a pleasure instead of a burden. Your disposition and outlook on life will be noticeable and contagious to others around you. Why? The answer is simple. Because you dedicated yourself to completing this course, applied the Eazy VB system to your business and now have a different level of success.
And now... time is on your side.
But that's not all. Check out our Bonuses!
Free Learning Module Updates and New Content
Technology is always evolving. Once enrolled, you will receive new software, hardware and WFH / Virtual Business updates Free!
1 - on - 1 Coaching Calls
If you need a little more help, take advantage of a free- one-time 15 minute coaching call. Sometimes a little more clarity goes a long way. Additional fee based coaching is also available.
Bonus Videos
Also included are bonus videos that go into greater detail on advanced techniques of production, performance and marketing to help you achieve even more from this course.
About The Course Instructor,
Craig Colley
Craig Colley is an entrepreneur, insurance agent, keynote speaker and creative coach.
Craig established his company Coliday in 1981. Craig's vast knowledge of audio / video / internet based software and hardware enabled him to create the Eazy VB system and the online training course. He is a former marketing director in the banking and insurance industry. Currently he is based in California and is an active Insurance producer and financial strategist in multiple states.
"I created this course originally for myself because of the inefficiencies of wasted time, money and materials I personally experienced by being a business owner and insurance producer. By implementing this system I was able to close my multiple offices, eliminate the overhead, work from home and have a better lifestyle. I know it sounds cliche but it's true. After having so many inquiries as to how I did this, I decided to create this course to share with others who were looking to do the same thing. I hope you find the Eazy VB System as beneficial as I and many others have. I wish you all the success you deserve with your insurance career".
Craig Colley

The one piece of business advice I’d give my younger self if I could.
“Use what others have developed and had success with and apply it in your business.
It’s easier to edit than create and it takes a lot less time and money”
Here’s what people are saying about the course instructor
Mike M.
Newport Beach, CA
Save countless hours. The research has been done for you...
If you want a successful work from home / virtual business, this course can save you countless hours and endless trial and error attempts at finding what tools are available and which ones you will need to reach your goals. The research has been done for you. You will learn which ones work best and how to integrate each tool to save you time and money. The information Craig offers in this course reminds me that I never want to stop learning and I will recommend it to all my salespeople to increase their income and efficiency.
Chad K.
Honolulu, HI
Learned something new in the first ten minutes...
Well thought out and organized. Craig makes it easy to follow and implement strategies. Learned something new in the first ten minutes. Look forward to completing and implementing the course.
Sam B.
Aliso Viejo, CA
All the technology tools and most important... the education...
All the technology tools and most important ....the education, Craig simplifies it and shows you how to tie them all together to deliver timely, efficient communication that is the foundation of maximizing successful virtual customer relationships. And an entertaining and fun learning experience. Thanks!

Old Office | Before Eazy VB

New Office | After Eazy VB
Why This Course Is Valuable
Over two years of research, testing and actual implementation took place to create and design this course. If this was priced on a fee per hour basis the cost would be well over $20,000.
There is nothing else like this in the marketplace. A complete blueprint that has been tested and used in the real world and uses resources currently available. The difference is the Eazy VB System gives you the framework and guidance on what pieces you'll need, how much it will cost and in what order to use to complete the virtual & mobile workplace puzzle.
Easy VB Course Blueprint | Included in Course |
Software Blueprint | |
Hardware Blueprint | |
Paperless Business | |
Create a Virtual Workplace | |
Content Creation | |
Practice Makes Perfect | |
Share Your Message | |
Precision Marketing | |
100 Ways to Connect | |
Scale Your Virtual Business | |
Cell | Cell |
Time Is On Your Side | |
TOTAL VALUE | $6,125 |
Easy VB Course Blueprint | Included in Course
Total Value | $6,125
Beware of the 3 Course Traps

Why So Many Fail
Insurance pros often stay stuck and make very little progress taking courses because of the seduction of the 0.01%. Which is thinking that you can do exactly the same thing that one successful person has done who is in the 0.01% sector of success. When 99.9% of the time that never happens. This is not a "do this and get rich like me" course. The Eazy VB system focuses on what’s realistic for the lowest price point and the least amount of time it’s going take to get your WFH / virtual business up and running by simply using something that already exists. It's designed for the 99.9%!

Knowledge Download
Are you thinking you need to know everything it takes to build a WFH / virtual insurance business from the software, to the hardware, to the marketing, to the technology before you can start? You don’t need to know everything. In fact the less you know to start the better. You will not enter with pre-existing notions of how something should be laid out to work or the components that are needed to create your business. And you're not the leading expert in this field so why would you think you’re the person best suited to create this for yourself? So, you think, what am I doing? You’re very likely to give up before you even start because you think you don't have enough stats, data and know how. It’s not your fault. Failure happens by lack of design. Success is only achieved if you can learn, apply and sustain the proven principles that are needed to create the type of business you are seeking.

No Validation
Most courses are designed for an outcome or result at the end of the course. This is another reason people rarely ever finish them. The Eazy VB blueprint provides clear steps, constant validation and instant trackable results throughout the course.
Finally Revealed: The Eazy VB Success Formula

O + C + M
Organization + Creation + Marketing is the success formula and the key components of this course. This formula lays out a clear strategy that will get sales rolling and keep sales coming in.
This course helps you organize, declutter and transform your insurance business from a traditional paper or office style to a complete digital platform allowing your business to be 100% mobile and functional from anywhere you want to be.
Create a profitable WFH / virtual insurance business based on a proven step by step system that tells your story and humanizes technology. The lessons provide the technology and tools which are organized in a methodical and systematic approach to building and scaling a WFH / virtual platform. The system works on any budget and is affordable to create, use and sustain.
The course lessons provide a clear plan on how to market your business and strategies on how to keep sales coming in and how to connect with your prospect and customer base. This isn’t just a build it and they will come widget. This course will enable you to utilize different marketing platforms and techniques to connect with your prospects and customers and devices that you’ve never before had available in your business.
Social Proof & Marketing Reports
Craig Colley's Business Facebook Page: 11k Facebook Followers

Email Marketing Campaign Reports
Results from a few different email campaigns using the Eazy VB System.
Data Source: Global data, who lists email marketing benchmarks, including all industries:
- Average open rate: 17.8 percent
- Average click-through rate: 2.6 percent
The Eazy VB campaigns produced much higher numbers with an average open rate of 35% and a click rate of 5.7%. Double the global average. Below are several examples of campaign results.
Screen Shots
Names, etc. blurred out for privacy reasons.
Data from Eazy VB Course, Craig Colley's business email campaigns.

iPhone Notifications of Campaign Results

Screen Shot of a typical day on iPhone.
Everyday it’s lit up with constant activity from the WFH / virtual business platform activity.
(Note: 99 notifications at 8:30 am from automated marketing campaign sent earlier that morning).
Notifications happen in real time from emails, SMS (text messages) and phone calls.
This enables you to have instant follow up!
Data from Eazy VB Course, Craig Colley's iPhone Screen
Real Time iPhone Notification Video Example
Example: You send out an email (to Jane - client sample in Video) with SMS text notice. As soon as Jane opens the message you are notified. At that moment you can follow up with a call, text, video or email. The advantage is, you know Jane is currently looking at what you sent and are available to contact - right now!
Instant engagement = higher conversions!
Well show you do this and how create videos like the one in this example which took about 5 minutes to create.
It's Not All About Income
A look at actual expense reductions.
Data from Eazy VB Course, Craig Colley's business expense reduction.
Estimated Savings: $3320 a month - $39,840 a yr.
You don't have to be an accounting wizard to figure out how much cutting out brick and mortar expenses saves on an annual basis.
What Eazy VB is NOT...
Eazy VB is Not a Passive“Information Download”
The Eazy VB course is not designed to be consumed like your favorite cable show by watching a series of lessons. Remember it’s not a knowledge download. It is designed to be a series of actions to take and designed for what to do and in what order. It is a framework intended to guide you through a system of exercises and actions to take that lead you to the result.
Eazy VB is Not a Get Rich Quick - Cash Grab System
This course is not designed as a get rich quick - cash grabbing system. If you think you’re going to have success without putting any time or effort into this you are sorely mistaken and in the wrong place. Also this course offers no guarantee as to what your monetary return will be after completing the course. That will be completely up to you and what you do with the system you can create with Eazy VB.
Eazy VB is Not Just About Scaling a Virtual Business
Creating a Work From Home / virtual insurance business in the solitude of your own domain and not reaching out to others using the system is a waste of time. If you only focus on “how do I structure and create a digital workplace?” and “how do I do this without the need of any human contact?” - you end up with a WFH / virtual platform, yes. But you also end up with a problem: no one will buy from you. Eazy VB is about building a marketable and personal business experience and scaling it using technology, but not relying on it for everything.

Who Work From Home Insurance Agent & Eazy VB is For...
If what you’re looking for is a reliable and a proven step-by-step system that takes you on a discovery journey on how to build a successful WFH / virtual business, then Eazy VB is for you.
If you’ve been in a situation where perhaps you have some knowledge but don’t know how to transfer that knowledge and expertise into the format and platform for a WFH / virtual insurance business, then Eazy VB has you covered.
If this sounds right for you and you’re ready to take the advice that I would give my younger self, then sign up for Eazy VB today!
Get Access to Eazy VB Today
Special 80% Off Pre-Launch offer at the lowest price ever!
Get it now for only $997 $497
Now $179
Offer Expires Soon.
Pre-Launch Course Enrollments close soon...

100% Satisfaction Guarantee for 30 Days
If you don’t like the Eazy VB course for any reason, we’ve got you covered. Simply ask for a refund within 30 days of your purchase date. Our support team will process your refund, no questions asked.
Don’t wait! Look at what past students have to say about this course
Scott B.
San Diego, CA
Everything you need...
This is a great course because it is very detailed and Craig takes you through everything you need to know, step by step. It was very easy to go through.
Ruth L.
Middleburg, FL
Eazy sign up and navigate...
The Eazy VB course was so easy to sign up for and navigate through. I have learned so much from Craig and the video lessons. Thank you!
Pam G.
Carlsbad, CA
Eazy to follow and apply...
This Eazy VB Course was just what I was looking to help me set up a work from home / virtual business. The courses are very informative, easy to follow and apply. I am so happy that my business is up and running. Thanks Craig for developing a great product!
Frequently Asked Questions
What if I'm on a budget?
What else do I have to buy?
What if I do not have any technical skills?
Do you offer 1-on-1 coaching?
How long will it take to complete?
Why not just do this myself?
Does it work or PC and Mac?
Can I take the course at my own pace?

Old Office | Before Eazy VB

New Office | After Eazy VB
Get Access to Eazy VB Today
Special 80% Off Pre-Launch offer at the lowest price ever!
Get it now for only $997 $497
Now $179
Offer Expires Soon.
A personal note
The goal of this course is to make this process and transition simple. I do my best to avoid “Knowledge Overload” which is usually the major deterrent and reason most people never finish courses they’ve purchased.
Finishing is easy... the hard part is starting!
I'm very proud to offer you what I have built for myself. I still use it everyday in my insurance business.
I want to personally thank you and hope you sign up so I can help you achieve amazing results with your Work From Home / virtual business.
I know you won't regret it!
Take care and God bless,