Soon to be released: The Complete System for Building a Highly Profitable Paperless, Mobile and Virtual Business.
Discovery how to turn your knowledge into high-value virtual business and tap into a rapidly growing market. Imagine cutting out 90% of your overhead and travel, being able to work from anywhere and experience freedom on your terms.
Here’s what people are saying about this course:
Christian Bird
Operations Manager
It was so Eazy...
I was looking for help to create a mobile and virtual business and I'm so glad I found this course. The lessons were so simple to follow and apply. My virtual business was up in running quicker than I ever imagined.
Barbara Edwards
Insurance Sales
Simple to follow the step by step videos...
I was concerned because of my lack of tech skills but the course was laid out in a way I could easily understand. The step by step on screen videos were amazing!
Marie Jamerson
Marketing Specialist
Finally 100% mobile...
For years I was trying to put a mobile office together but didn't know what I needed until I took this course. The tech info was invaluable and now I can work from anywhere!
what you get
Here’s what you’ll learn in Eazy VB!
The Eazy VB course is designed for entrepreneurs, business owners and sales professionals. This video based online course gives you a step by step plan based on a proven system built specifically for business professionals looking to work from anywhere. It's simple and easy to put into action- no matter what your technical skills are and works on a budget. This unique system will catapult your business into 21st century, completely change the way you live and you can start today.
You'll learn how to conduct your business “virtually” from anywhere you have cell and internet connectivity with a Smartphone, tablet and laptop,
work with clients on your schedule and stop chasing leads.
You'll be able to easily eliminate piles of paper forms, charts, applications, presentation notebooks, carrier brochures, cold calls, office and staff overhead. The costs savings alone will be life changing.
You'll be able to help protect yourself while continuing to conduct business as usual in the event of a potential epidemic outbreak like the Coronavirus.
About the Author
Craig Colley is an entrepreneur, financial strategist, keynote speaker and creative coach.
He established his company "Coliday" in 1981. The company has gone through many changes over the past 4 decades but its primary focus was always been serving, helping others and staying on the cutting edge of technology. Craig is a former marketing director in the banking insurance industry. Currently he is based in California and is an active Insurance producer and financial strategist in multiple states.
"I created this course originally for myself because of the inefficiencies of wasted time, money and materials I personally experienced by being an insurance producer. By implementing this system I was able to close my multiple offices, eliminate the overhead, work less and make more from anywhere and have a better lifestyle. I know it sounds cliche but it's true. After having so many inquiries as to how I did this, I decide to create this course to share with others who were were looking to do the same thing. I hope you find the Eazy VB System as beneficial as I and many others have. I wish you all the success you deserve with your career".
Thank you and God Bless,
Craig Colley